
Paul Dent

“Plan to be aspirational, for both of you”

Paul has an extensive training, learning and facilitative background, working in many market segments at all levels. He has worked in most international locations, including North & South America through the Middle East, Russia, India, Far East, Australia, and Europe.



Clear and direct facilitation for people and teams, to then deliver for their businesses positive & lasting change at individual, team and functional levels. High level facilitation to deliver profit for business & well-being for people. Decades of facilitation, training & development experience across differing markets around the world.


Specialist Focus

Paul’s particularly interested in the psychology of people and situations, trying to understand the psychology of people and their interaction with the overall process. Facilitation of peoples learning, their effectiveness within organisations and teams also gains most of Paul’s interest and attention in order to gain specific and practical outcomes.



BA (Hons.) Psychology; HNC, Control Systems and Electronic Engineering

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