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How are you handling your pricing negotiations in the current environment?

  • ENS Team
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As ENSI negotiation Process Observers we can anxiously consider how Trump’s aggressive approach plays out. Will the US’s tough talk escalate?

  • ENS Team
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In sports, the more results-oriented the participants the higher the ratio of time spent in practice and rehearsal. Few would consider walking on to the playing venue unrehearsed. Yet, in our ENS International negotiation strategy development consulting work, we find this is rather the norm than the exception.

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ARTICLE RESPONSE Here is a most interesting response from an ENSI client enlarging on our view that ‘win/win’ is only one option.

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Take a moment and consider for yourself: what sort of a negotiator are you? Are you too tough? Or are you too soft?

  • ENS Team
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Our client faced a major renegotiation with significant pressure from the other party on terms and time deadlines. Working with us before each meeting, the negotiating team set process objectives and tactics to slow the pace of negotiations. Both parties were satisfied with the terms and timing of the negotiations.

  • ENS Team
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One of the secrets of successful negotiators is that once you identify a tactic the other party is using, it helps remove the power that tactic might have over you.

  • ENS Team
  • Posted by ENS Team

Whether we like it or not, the reality of being able to get something accomplished may well rely on negotiating a strategic alliance with the ‘other side’.

  • ENS Team
  • Posted by ENS Team

“I’m the boss, I’ll take the lead!” Could this be a big mistake? The person who holds the most senior position in the organization, group or team may not be the best person for the situation. The title ‘boss’ does not necessarily make them a good negotiator.

  • ENS Team
  • Posted by ENS Team

Women can't negotiate. Oh really? On the contrary we are always negotiating. We just don’t give ourselves credit for it – in fact do we actually realize that we are doing it? Think of those conversations with your manager, your client, your team, your partner, your children – anyone with whom you have an ongoing relationship - where you needed an outcome. What did you do? How did you get there?

  • ENS Team
  • Posted by ENS Team

A surprising number of our decisions are based on emotion rather than logic. This may not necessarily be a bad thing, as it can lead to faster, more efficient decisions. However, it is something very important that we need to be aware of.

  • ENS Team
  • Posted by ENS Team

Influencing is everywhere. Yet many of us are oblivious. While enhanced influencing is a trainable skill, few even think of it. To skilled influencers it is second nature, like breathing. They deeply understand the influencing process and how to manage the impact.

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