
  • ENS Team
  • Posted by ENS Team

ENS International has received accreditation from the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE), a global professional engineering institution with over 40,000 members in over 120 countries worldwide.

  • ENS Team
  • Posted by ENS Team

It’s an interesting moment, which frequently emerges when we develop professional negotiation and influencing capability- the realisation or ‘light bulb’ that we don’t always negotiate with another party. We are in fact in constant negotiations with ourselves!

  • ENS Team
  • Posted by ENS Team

A willingness of people to accept weak claims is big news at the moment. How do people differentiate between fake and real news? And particularly when negotiating, how do we apply our ‘bullshit meter’ to detect spin, distraction or straight deception?

  • ENS Team
  • Posted by ENS Team

Consider the last time you misunderstood the tone or context of an email… While sometimes we trust our instincts, occasionally our first reaction or initial impression isn’t always the right one. During the negotiation process, false assumptions could prove as perilous as unchecked emotions.

  • ENS Team
  • Posted by ENS Team

When the chips are down, do you push forward or do you roll over? For many of us the urge will be to continue to compete. And when this urge is underpinned by the bottom-line (personal needs) gain of protecting reputation, then engaging a reactive fight response is an easy decision.

  • ENS Team
  • Posted by ENS Team

Überall wird Einfluss genommen – doch viele von uns nehmen dies nicht wahr. Obwohl man aktive Einflussnahme lernen kann, denken nur wenige...

  • ENS Team
  • Posted by ENS Team

Never give anything away without getting something back is an old negotiation adage. Yet how well is this performed?

  • ENS Team
  • Posted by ENS Team

Qualifizierte Verhandler und Einflussnehmer wissen längst, welche Macht darin liegt, Standpunkte bei Personen mit Autorität zu verankern. Wenn dann...

  • ENS Team
  • Posted by ENS Team

Ensuring the safety of our clients and employees is ENS International's (ENSI) greatest priority. We are actively monitoring the coronavirus...

  • ENS Team
  • Posted by ENS Team

“Vertrouwen”, het belangrijke “V” woord! Veel wetenschappers dicteren dat je vertrouwen moet opbouwen tijdens een onderhandeling.

  • ENS Team
  • Posted by ENS Team

I recently posed the question ‘how does gravitas occur’ to the CEO’s of three of Australia’s largest companies and their response may surprise you.

  • ENS Team
  • Posted by ENS Team

Leadership is no longer about dominance and positional power, but about the ability to provide clear direction and purpose, as well as maintain open dialogues with team members during this crisis to influence outcomes.

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