Whitepapers and eBooks

Embracing cultural and behavioural differences for global negotiation success

Navigate the challenges of the Resources industry with enhanced negotiation skills

How to negotiate by email.
An expert’s guide the digital negotiations

Negotiation when the stakes are high: Are you leaving money on the table?
An expert’s paper on Negotiation Consulting

How soft skills can help your business survive a recession, a white paper for clear communicators and strategic influencers.

Mastering Virtual Negotiation: How to negotiate effectively in the digital age.
An expert’s research paper on Virtual Negotiations

eBook – Upskilling finance professionals for enhanced performance and efficiency: a guide to close your teams’ Negotiation Skills Gap.

Managing workplace conflict
The role of SOCIAL STYLE® Training

Interpersonal effectiveness study
Evaluating Corporate Training Practices

Interpersonal Skills Training programs study
Why SOCIAL STYLE® is the most effective 

SOCIAL STYLE® is a trademark of The TRACOM Group and is used with permission.