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FULLY BOOKED – VIRTUAL (APAC) Masterclass Series – Professional: ‘Secrets of Negotiation’

November 22 - 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

The Professional Masterclass series is designed for those looking for a short, fast paced introduction into negotiation topics. There are no prerequisites, complete as a standalone workshop or complete all four workshops and then move onto the Strategic series for a more in-depth exploration into negotiation & influencing. These workshops are experiential and delivered virtually over 4 hours with breaks.

The Secret of Negotiation

This workshop is a fast paced and intensive 4-hour course delivered virtually via ZOOM (9am until 1pm / with breaks). The course is run in real time (AEDT). This workshop focuses on the two levels of needs in a negotiation above and below the waterline. You will develop a ‘Secret Strategy’ including identifying and building common ground, learning how to apply concessions while satisfying the other parties personal needs.

Part of the Lumify Group

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