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FULLY BOOKED – VIRTUAL (APAC) Masterclass Series – Professional: ‘Emotional Control’

November 23 - 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

The Professional Masterclass series is designed for those looking for a short, fast paced introduction into negotiation topics. There are no prerequisites, complete as a standalone workshop or complete all four workshops and then move onto the Strategic series for a more in-depth exploration into negotiation & influencing. These workshops are experiential and delivered virtually over 4 hours with breaks.

Emotional Control – Intentional Flexibility

This workshop is a fast paced and intensive 4-hour course delivered virtually via ZOOM (9am until 1pm / with breaks). The course is run in real time (AEDT). This workshop focuses on style and its implementation through the control of climate elements. You will learn how to distinguish between competitive and cooperative behaviours while also identifying your own reflex style.

Part of the Lumify Group

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