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VIRTUAL (APAC) Masterclass Series – Strategic: Systematic Negotiation Preparation

February 23 - 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

While there are no mandatory prerequisites, it is strongly recommended that you have had previous exposure to one or more of the Professional Masterclasses or completed the Module 1, Professional 2-day workshop. The Strategic series is a deep dive into the more complex areas of negotiation from preparation to advanced tactical moves. These workshops are fast paced and delivered virtually over 4 hours with breaks.

Strategic: Systematic Preparation

This workshop is a fast paced and intensive 4-hour course delivered virtually via ZOOM (9am until 1pm / with breaks). The course is run in real time (AEDT). Often there is a call for ‘more time to prepare’. We believe the key is not necessarily in the time available but in the systematic way the time for preparation is used including range planning and applying aspirational thinking. The session concludes with an overview of a personal preparation example, using key questions from the preparation guide and leading individuals to further develop the opportunity for personal or team coaching in the negotiation environment.

Part of the Lumify Group

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